The benefits of Millet

The benefits of Millet

Millet is a minor cereal belonging to the Poaceae family and is widely consumed in developing countries such as Asia and Africa. It is part of the ancient wheat family, and its cultivation endures in very dry soils and climates.

Today this cereal has become very popular in the West because it is gluten-free-an important aspect for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance-and because it has a high amount of fiber and antioxidants.

It is a food consisting mainly of carbohydrates in the form of easily digestible starch, fiber, a fair amount of protein of moderate biological value, and fat, polyunsaturated, of the omega-6 family.

It is rich in minerals including calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium.Being a source of calcium and iron with good bioavailability, it is useful to supplement it in the diet of children or those with bone problems or iron deficiency. It also contains a good amount of B vitamins and folate.

To date, there is not much scientific literature on this food, but the present works are very reassuring as its habitual consumption allows us to have an extra recharge in times of greatest stress due to its supportive and restorative function.

Let’s try to understand what its benefits are on the body:

  • Containing a high amount of keratin-stimulating salicylic acid, it has a strengthening effect on nails and hair
  • Given its high presence in phytocompounds, it is an excellent aid to combat fatigue and improve our state of well-being

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